
Seed Type: Deluxe Herb & Nut
Grow Time: 7 Days
Wilt Time: 24 Hours
Crop Yield: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Seed Yield: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Harvest Location: Crossbreed Only
Node Level: --
Did You Know

Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced from plants in the genus Corchorus.

Jute is the name of the plant or fiber that is used to make burlap, Hessian or gunny cloth.



Filters: Loops Non-Loops

Parent A
(Grow Time)
Parent B
(Grow Time)
Alternate Cross Efficiency
Mandrake (5) Pearl Roselle (6) -- 93
Almond (5) Star Anise (6) -- 92
Almond (5) Garlic Jester (7) -- 92
Almond (5) Mandragora Queen (7) -- 92
Almond (5) Eggplant Knight (7) -- 92
Almond (5) Tomato King (7) -- 92
Almond (5) Onion Prince (7) -- 92
Shroud Tea (6) Star Anise (6) -- 92
Shroud Tea (6) Tomato King (7) -- 91
Azeyma Rose (6) Pearl Roselle (6) -- 91
Azeyma Rose (6) Halone Gerbera (6) -- 91
Azeyma Rose (6) Nymeia Lily (6) -- 91
Azeyma Rose (6) Jute (7) -- 92
Azeyma Rose (6) Broombush (7) -- 90
Halone Gerbera (6) Mandrake (5) -- 93
Jute (7) Mandrake (5) -- 95
Broombush (7) Mandrake (5) -- 93
Garlic Jester (7) Shroud Tea (6) -- 91
Mandragora Queen (7) Shroud Tea (6) -- 91
Eggplant Knight (7) Shroud Tea (6) -- 91
Onion Prince (7) Shroud Tea (6) -- 91
Coerthan Tea (5) Star Anise (6) -- 93
Coerthan Tea (5) Garlic Jester (7) -- 93
Coerthan Tea (5) Mandragora Queen (7) -- 93
Coerthan Tea (5) Eggplant Knight (7) -- 93
Coerthan Tea (5) Tomato King (7) -- 93
Coerthan Tea (5) Onion Prince (7) -- 93
Cloudsbreath (5) Star Anise (6) -- 89
Cloudsbreath (5) Garlic Jester (7) -- 89
Cloudsbreath (5) Mandragora Queen (7) -- 89
Cloudsbreath (5) Eggplant Knight (7) -- 89
Cloudsbreath (5) Tomato King (7) -- 89
Cloudsbreath (5) Onion Prince (7) -- 89



Show all crosses that use Jute



Azeyma Rose


Dalamud Popoto Set

Dzemael Tomato

Honey Lemon


La Noscean Leek

Midland Cabbage

Mirror Apple

Nymeia Lily

Pearl Roselle

Prickly Pineapple


Royal Kukuru

Shroud Tea

Star Anise

Thavnairian Onion

Tomato King

Wizard Eggplant